Cybercino Bean to Cup Coffee Machine

The future of bean to cup machines
The Cybercino has transformed the bean to cup market and ensured that restaurant, bar and cafe operators deliver fantastic coffee, without the need for expensive training.
The Fracino Cybercino offers an array of control and diagnostic features, allowing the user to adjust and fine tune various features on the machine to create the perfect espresso time after time. Most of the features are controlled by a simple and easy to use LCD display mounted on the front panel.
Manufactured from highly polished stainless steel and constructed using the finest quality components, the Cybercino’s paintwork can be fully customised by Fracino, and its back panel replaced to produce a unit that suits the branding requirements of any restaurant, bar or café.
Key Features
- One group can brew 2 cups of coffee simultaneously.
- Hot water outlet for tea/hot chocolate.
- All drinks available as decaffeinated.
- Milk pump can be fitted for under counter fridges.
- 500g or 1kg shatter resistant bean hopper.
- Thermosyphonic circulation ensures group kept at constant temperature for perfect coffee making.
- Easy grinder adjustment located above cup tray.
- Easily accessible used coffee grounds drawer with coffee counter.
- User-friendly, quick cleaning systems for group and frother.
- Heated cup tray.
- Easy clean steam tubes.
- Group clearance 130mm.
Auto Control Features
- Selection button allows choice of two different cup sizes. 1 × 9oz or 2 × 9oz or 1 × 12oz.
- 2 individual buttons for extra steamed or frothed milk.
- Air valve on frother is adjustable, but separated from frother to avoid milk clogging.
- Pinch valve on frother ensures consistent levels of drink are dispensed.
- Choice of Cappuccino, Latte, Espresso, or Americano.
- All features easily programmable.
- Cup count available by type.
- LCD display shows management information.
- Language options: English, Italian, French and German.
Bean to Cup
The innovative horizontal drive mechanism compacts coffee in the group head, holding the coffee under constant pressure whilst hot water is infused, giving the best possible crema – a feature normally missing from bean to cup coffee machines.
No More Spilt Milk
The milk tube features a pinch valve so that milk is immediately available for each new drink – whilst ensuring the same amount of frothed or foamed milk is added to each coffee. This helps to avoid the variations in cup size which are prevalent to many bean to cup machines.