Become Fairtrade with Arden Coffee in Mansfield

At Arden Coffee, we’re all about Sustainability, the environment & supporting Fairtrade markets. Thats why we’re starting a huge push forward in becoming even more involved in Fairtrade coffee’s, chocolate, tea’s, as well as removing plastics & un-recyclables from all of our packaging and products, replacing them with easy to recycle materials.
93 Fairtrade Signature Blend
Ethically Sourced Coffee Beans, Fairtrade Certified, Fully Recyclabe Packaging.
If you’re seeing this before 2022 then you’ve just earned yourself a little insider knowledge! Imagine our immensely popular blend of 93 Gourmet Beans… but Fairtrade! (That’s all we’re saying for now!)
93 Fairtrade Coffee Beans
Ethically Sourced Coffee Beans, Fairtrade Certified, Fully Recyclable Packaging.
“Smooth and well balanced, rich blend of Brazil, Honduras, African and Vietnamese beans with notes of chocolate and toasted cereals.”
93 Fairtrade Freeze Dried Coffee
Ethically Sourced Coffee Beans, Fairtrade Certified.
“A Robusta coffee that produces an excellent cup of coffee, cappucino or latte.”
93 Fairtrade Chocolate Mix
Ethically Sourced Cocoa, Fairtrade Certified.
“Made with Fairtrade Sugar and cocoa powder in compliance with Fairtrade standards.”
Fairtrade White & Brown Sugar Sticks
Whilst currently not, we are in the process of having all of our White & Brown sugar sticks be supplied as fully fairtrade, ethically sourced, with sustainable packaging as a default. No inbetween with either Fairtrade or not, just Fairtrade for everyone!
If you would like to learn more about Fairtrade coffee & how it affects the lives of the farmers, consider having a read of the official Fairtrade’s website blog post:
Fairtrade Coffee Blog