
3 Most Popular Drinks- How to Make

07 October 2022 by Matt Lawrence
3 Most Popular Drinks- How to Make

In this blog we are going to be talking about how to make the three most popular drinks in a Cafe/Coffee Shop. A Flat white, Latte and Cappuccino. In no particular order. We will talk about cup size, level of foam and espresso volume in each cup.

What is the difference between each one? Simply the level of foam and ‘Type’ of Milk we are performing in the milk jug.

Firstly we need to talk about cup sizes. Typically a Cappuccino would be served in a 10/12oz cup and would be available with one or two espresso shots. A flat white would be in anything from a 6oz cup (Single shot Espresso) to a 10/12oz cup usually served as a double shot espresso. A Latte typically would be served in something larger than the other drinks usually because people would associate a latte being more milk to coffee ratio (More uh diluted)

Type of Milk- Each drink and what makes them different depends on the level of froth. On a latte we would be looking for around 10mm of Froth (This is how much air we are adding to the milk using the steam wand end, A good method would be to say 1 second of air is a mm of froth. For a Cappuccino which we would associate as the most ‘Frothiest’ drink of the menu, a rule of art would be around 15mm of froth. With a cappuccino this is where we would be adding as much air as possible when beginning to steam the milk. A Flat white would contain around 5mm of froth which is textured milk. Check back on our how to texturing blog if needed.

What may change the above obviously is the flavour and strength of the bean or if we are offering takeaway (in larger cups double walled) Depending on cup sizes we would also have to revaluate the coffee to milk ratio.

The best way to establish if you are adding enough air to the milk simply is to listen. Especially on a Flat white. Another big factor is we dont ‘Overheat’ the milk (Steaming for longer than needed) as this can effect the amount of froth desired and more importantly the overall taste of the drink which we have spoken about in previous videos/blogs on the temperature of milk importance.

Cappuccino- Get the air in as soon as possible. Ask if customers would like chocolate dusting. Think about nut allergies.
Flat white- Get close and listen- Think of the silence of the lambs noise. We are looking to texture the milk from start-finish and not alter the position of the jug when turning on/off the milk probe.
Latte- We would be adding air at the beginning and then lifting the jug so we the probe end is just under the milk surface to bring the milk to the right temperature.

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