The Romano

Benefiting from Fracino’s extensive research and development program, world-class engineering skills, and state-of-the-art production methods, the Romano is a genuine marriage between style and award-winning technology.
The Romano is a seriously stylish machine, available with 2 and 3 coffee making groups, a hot water valve fitted with an anti-splash nozzle, and steam tubes for frothing milk.
Key Features
- Top-quality copper boiler heated by multiple looped elements.
- Pressure controlled by a triple contact pressure switch.
- Automatic water level system with a probe, electronic control unit, and solenoid valve.
- The pressure of water and steam is separately controlled by brass safety valves.
- Groups have a clearance of 120mm to allow for 12oz takeaway cups and 8oz latte glasses.
- Hot water and steam are released by rotating the valve handle on the solid brass valves.
- Thermosyphon circulation ensures the group is kept constantly hot for perfect coffee making.
- Case, waste, and cup tray are all made from stainless steel 304.
- Automatic group cleaning cycle
- Easy clean steam tubes.
Download the Romano specifcations sheet
Models of The Romano

The Romano P.I.D
Fracino’s PID is the fusion of our extensive research and development program, world-class engineering skills, and state-of-the-art production methods.
The PID is available in 2 and 3 group versions. Each group has an independent boiler for optimum temperature control – settable between 80-115°C – for example, the user can set one group to 89°C and another to 92°C, whilst still maintaining the standard large capacity boiler for smooth-flow hot water and copious quantities of steam.
h4.Key Features
- Top-quality copper boiler heated by multiple looped elements.
- Pressure controlled by a triple contact pressure switch.
- Automatic water level system with a probe, electronic control unit, and solenoid valve.
- The pressure of water and steam is separately controlled by brass safety valves.
- Standard clearance is 110mm.
- Case, waste, and cup tray are all made from stainless steel 304.
- Independent group boilers – nickel-plated brass.
- The brass bodied group with stainless shower plate, solenoid valve, and high-pressure pump.
- Automatic on/off timer – the machine can be set to turn on and off at set times.
- F.A.S.T steam system (on right) which can be used at the same time as the groups.
- Dual pressure gauge showing water and steam pressure.
- Easy clean steam tubes.
Download the Romano P.I.D specifications sheet