Leaving your equipment
25 March 2020 by Kia Tromans
Six videos have just been uploaded to our YouTube channel, giving tips about what to do with your equipment whilst it won’t be in use due to closures caused by the current situation. These videos include what to do with your grinders, traditional espresso machines and instant/bean to cup machines. We have tried to keep these videos short and to the point for you all. Further advice & information will continue to be put on our facebook page and on this blog section of our website. After fully cleaning your machines and draining off any water as described in these guides, we recommend turning off your plugs and removing machines & grinders from the mains.
Grinder Video 1
Grinder Video 2
Bravilor Esprescious 12
Bolero XL 423
Espresso Machine Part 1
Espresso Machine Part 2